Friday, 12 October 2012

theatre times

I have always loved going to the theatre whether that be a panto or  show. Going to a panto has become a tradition in our family. I have only ever been to a proper theatre once in london to see Billy Elliot but was blown away and thought the level of talent from such young actors and actresses was amazing. I loved the atmosphere, it was amazing the lights, acting, singing and dancing. Now i want to feast my eyes on a play by Willy Russell called Educating Rita. I have studied the play at school and it engaged me like no other book or play i have studied. It is neither a horror nor a romance and at first glance it may seem like a romance but it isn't. Its a journey between two people of opposite backgrounds of self discovery.It's different. I admit the film and book of the play wasn't full of constant thrills but the story is beautiful it takes you on journey with these characters. I am so intreged to see what the play will be like whether it will convey the same feelings and emotions. Its a play so it won't be full of song and dance which i love also. I don't understand those who think plays are just for those who are posh although it does sound very intelligent if your talking about plays which i do not claim to be; its just like a hobby and i admire writers who can write so well. The play only consists of one room and two people althought the film varies the settings. I just love that the passion and acting must be so good for this too actually work thats why i love it, it seems so interesting. The film has Michael Cane(A christmas Carol) and Julie Walters(Harry Potter)and the play is very true to its time. Let's hope i can bag a seat. Hope you liked the post. xx

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